Sending out a note of thanks to all the competitors at Los Angeles Open. We hope you all enjoyed the competition and want to thank you for supporting it.
We'd also like to give a huge thank you to all the volunteers who helped make the competition a success!
Thanks to the LOC:
Chairs - Bob & Joanne Davis
Chief Referee - Dawn Eyerly
Accountants - Brian Keller & Elda Stillwell
Registrar - Vicki Busch
Hospitality - Kat Cassano
And to all our officials who graciously lent their time and expertise:
Sandra Bowen, Kim Borzilleri, Laura Chinook, Heather Correa, Ariel Davydov, Julie Gidlow, Dee Goldstein, Carla Golubski, Dave Hopson, Stephen Kawalko, Srivitta Kengskool, Amy Kravette, Mariam Mohajer-Rahbari, Stephanie Mathewson, Ai Ohno, Cris Pozanac, Robbie Rosenbluth, Kevin Rosenstein, Kristina Schultz, Sharon Watson, James Webb & Suzie Whitehead. YAY! You are all wonderful and we are so grateful for your willingness to come out for the skaters!
And a much deserved thanks to the Darin Mathewson and the staff at Pickwick Ice, and to all our volunteers who signed up to help the club as monitors, box office and runners and helping out in hospitality: Katie Anderson, Kieran Chung, Sofia Coniglio, Michael Coniglio, Bryan Eshelbrenner, Courtney Idenoshita, Cheukwa Jones, Meira Jones, Elly Lee, Jin Lee, Anahit Mouradian, Armen Mourdian, Kaori Nakahara, Mari Saso, Al Reitz & Shoko Tokuda. Thank you for stepping up and helping the club out! It takes a village.
Congratulations to the winners of two perpetual trophies at the competition this year:
Koko Hirano who won the Virginia Fratianne Trophy for the most artistic performance of the competition. The trophy is given in honor of Virginia, mother of Linda Fratianne (World champion, two-time Olympic team member and life member) who served the club as President in 1988-1989. Virginia was the test chair for the Club for years, earned her sectional competition judging appointment, and was always a wonderful volunteer and supporter of the Club.
Avery O'Brien who won the Van Valkenburg Trophy for the most outstanding overall performance for the competition. This trophy honors the Van Valkenburg family, all of whom played an important role in the Club. Florence was the Club's test chair for many years. Her husband John was a terrific volunteer for the Club. Their son, Robert was a competitor who first started skating as therapy for his severe orthopedic medical issues. To everyone's surprise and delight, Robert overcame those medical issues to become a formidable singles competitor. After John passed away, this memorial trophy in the family's honor was created.
Complete results can be found here:
We'll see you next year!