The Stillwell Trophy, a perpetual trophy, is awarded to two skaters for the most inspirational performances in a freeskate, dance, or showcase event at the Stillwell Adult Mid-Winter Warmup. One winner will be chosen from levels No Test to Adult Bronze and another from levels Adult Silver to Masters Junior/Senior. The trophy will be presented at the close of the competition and winners selected by the Adult Mid-Winter officials. The perpetual trophy will remain with the LAFSC with the skaters’ names engraved on it and an individual trophy will be awarded to the winners.
This prestigious trophy honors Morry and Elda Stillwell. Morry, former president of US Figure Skating, contributed over 70 years to the sport before his passing, and Elda, behind the scenes in accounting, has contributed over 25 years. Morry and Elda have shown all of us what it means to have passion for what we choose to do. Skating is not about an element or even a competition, it is about passion and drive to be the best you can, and to always enjoy what you are doing.
Congratulations to this year's winners: Max Wang & Brent West!